Friday, September 23, 2011

Reviving Your Gel Eyeliner

YES!!! it is frustrating when your gel eyeliner gets cakey, cracked and dried out before you can finish using it.Some of us forget to put the cap/cover on our eyeliner. Sometimes it just dries out because of the weather. I was Googling for some ideas and found a trick which works. Ok here it goes :

My fav eyeliner is Silky Girl's Double Intense Gel Eyeliner (Waterproof).

1. Take some hot water (not boiling and not warm) and pour it into a container with a lid. I use a eversilver cookware with a lid.
2. Then put your eyeliner pot with its cap on tight  into the hot water filled container and close the lid like this;

3. Then wait up to 10-15mins or more depends on how dry is your gel eyeliner.

Tada!!! Your eyeliner is alive again. You can do this every time you want to use your eyeliner. I would suggest to do every time before use because the eyeliner gel won't clump on your eyeliner brush.

Good LUCK trying this method.

A Gel eyeliner Lover. XOXO:)