Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hair Care - Search: "-"

Dear Friends,
My topic for today is how to look after your hair. Hair is definitely our crowning glory. Due to immense stress in our daily lives, most of us are facing massive hair fall. We are not able to concentrate on this problem because we are so busy. However, if we do not deal this problem soon, we will lose clumps of hair. This will lead to patches of baldness and this is very unattractive. So guys i got a few tips that I want to share that can safe your hair. Firstly, Coconut oil. We tend to dismiss this special treatment in our lives because of it odour. Believe me, it makes your shinier and more manageable compare to all the chemical products. To avoid the smell, I suggest you to massage coconut oil onto your hair and scalp generously before head shower. Then wait for 20-30minutes. Later you can wash it off wit your regular shampoo and please do not forget to apply conditioner. Secondly, lemon juice is good for your hair too. It makes you hair shinier and your scalp will feel fresher. Apply lemon juice after using shampoo and conditioner, wait a minute or so and then rinse it off. Please close your eyes when your using lemon juice because it will sting you eyes. Thirdly, don't use both hair dryer and iron at the same time. This will make your scalp dry and your will drop massively. Please dry your hair naturally and then use the iron. Remember when using the iron, it should not touch your scalp at all. Burned scalp will reduce hair growth. Lastly, consuming multivitamins and fish oil will nourish your hair. Most of us are picky eaters, dieters or simply like to eat junk food. Vitamins will substitute the vitamins we may lack in a day. So there you have it. I hope my ideas may help you guys in keeping your hair healthy and happy :)